About Westmark.dev

At the forefront of knowledge management, Westmark.dev, spearheaded by Matthew Hendricks transforms information chaos into strategic assets for businesses. As a consultancy and thought leader in the space, we ensure your data works for you—streamlined, accessible, powerful.

  • What Sets Us Apart: Pioneering custom workshops and targeted consulting to elevate your company's knowledge potential.
  • Insights Delivered: Clients report marked operational enhancements and decision-making prowess post-collaboration.

Our Methodology

  • Tailored Solutions: We work closely with your unique needs to develop innovative strategies - not templates or one-size-fits-all plans.
  • Forward-Thinkinng: We harness state-of-the-art tools to create KM strategies that propel growth.
  • Real Outcomes: Tangible benefits in efficiency and decision-making are just part of our track record.

Unlocking knowledge assets is our mission. We equip organizations with the tools to refine their KM processes, develop web projects, or engage in specialized workshops—all designed to drive success.

Pricing Details

Westmark.dev operates on a model of subscription or licensing fees for its Knowledge Management Solutions. We offer a suite of services including web development and custom workshops with transparent pricing structures. Connect with us at sales@westmark.dev for tailored quotes.

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Westmark.dev Pioneers - Our Expertise

Explore our service offerings designed to enhance your organizaation's knowledge management initiatives.

  • Consulting on Knowledge Management Platforms
  • Web Development Projects
  • Specialized local-first KM Workshops
  • Purpose-Built Web Applications, Portals, & Plugins
  • Data Migration Assistance
  • Tailored CMS Development
  • Technical SEO & Performance Tuning
  • Advanced Analytics Insights
  • Seamless Payment Processor Integration
  • Newsletter System implementation


Founded in 2023 by tech veteran Matthew Hendricks, Westmark.Dev Pioneers draws from over a decade of industry expertise across giants like Microsoft and innovative startups alike. Inspired by his pioneering forebears who tamed the wilds of Westmark, Nebraska, Matthew now channels that same tenacity into supporting today's digital frontiers.

"Echoing my ancestors' determination, I'm dedicated to forging paths toward technological resilience and success."
- Matthew Hendricks

A diverse IT background as Product Developer, Customer Engineer, and Product Manager enables our founder with a holistic view—melding full-stack prowess with sharp design sensibilities—all aimed at propelling MSMEs forward.

The challenge ahead

Modern businesses grapple with an overwhelming tide of data. The hurdle lies not in sheer volume but in weaving this intricate tapestry into actionable intelligence. Without mastery over their informational wealth, opportunities slip away; growth stagnates.

Get Support

Need assistance? We're here to help with any aspect of your Knowledge Management needs. Whether you're looking for web development services, KM support, or technical consulting, our team is ready to provide the assistance you require.


Email us for general queries, including marketing and partnership opportunities.



Call us to speak to a member of our team. We are always happy to help.

+1 (206) 446-5495


For technical or billing support, please visit our help center to find answers to common questions.

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